Back at Velotique


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 Maybe I shouldn't write this in case our parents read it and gets worried, but yesterday we heard about this on the news:
Some kind of bomb threat in the Toronto area with the same railway system as Frida's train to New York this morning. So we were a bit concerned it may had been cancelled or likewise, but Frida texted me this morning from the train saying everything was OK. Good! And her train is probably the safest place to be on at the moment, so no need for worrying, right Frida?

I went for a run this morning, beautiful weather. The beach is an amazing spot this time of the year and it'll only get better! Came back after 40 min, took a shower, had breakfast and biked to my job at Velotique. I took the Queen street because I wanted to get used to the traffick and it went OK. Still don't feel comfortable with riding the bike so close to the cars and streetcars, but at least I wore a helmet. (Kasia just laughed when she saw my helmet....maybe I'll consider a new one when I have the money, haha).

It was lots of new information about all the cycling gear so I was only in for a few hours to get used to the job again. It felt great to be back there and always nice to work with Kasia :)

Now I just got back home, made another egg & avocado wrap (SO good), skyped with my sister Linn for a while (nice to speak Swedish hehe) and now I'm on my way out again to do some grocery shopping. Probably Loblaws at Victoria Park today. Haven't been there yet.

Have a nice day!

This morning at the beach.


1 kommentarer


24 Apr 2013 02:26

Så fint att läsa detta :) saknar dig redan! Vill höra mer vad som sker. Här rullar det på iaf. Ett äventyr för sig må jag säga


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