This sunday is not an ordinary one. I got the true feeling of summer for the first time. The Toronto summer might be great after all. Probably it has been here for a while but it seems like I havnt fully. However I really felt I had to write a post on the blog since my most recent post is from ApriI. Not okay, I know. I guess it is somethng about what Ellen mentioned before when you have to much to say and fellings are all over the place you end up not saying anything at all.

Today we started up with a run along the beach, after saying good bye to Maddy who is going away for a month to greece to see her dad. Further on I listned to a part of Krisitan Gidlunds Sommar i P1. I will have to hear it bit by bit. You who have Heard it knows why. Further on Laura and I had a walk with the dogs. They were so happy to go free and have a swin.

And now Im finally sitting here on the patio writing. Wich I hopefully will keep up doing each day during july to make you a fair description of whats really going on over here. well ok at least a part of it since I havnt got the time this far to make even a post once a week. Have a lot to make up for so there might be some Pictures to. And oh Cant Believe time has gone so fast, May was that kind of month I seem not to remember, June has been a great month though. Hopefully July is gonna be a just as sunny as today!
This sunday is special cause people know we still have tomorrow ,Canada day, off. So they stay outside and get together. Also the wonderful weather adds to that. Lots of love for this long weekend, we all feel it. Most people are heading out of Town to their cottages, but still there is a lot of people down here at the Beaches. That is the area we live in this time, about nine km from Downtown and just a hundered meters from the waves. dont know if I will ever live this Close to the water at any Point in Life. However, the expression Life is a beach really makes sense those Days.

So hopefully this is the start of blogging and a really nice month coming up. Im not Reading this through now, something seems wrong with the symbols and Capitals. However, hope you had a great weekend like we are still. In about half and hour Ellen get home from Velotique and we will head down the beach for some volleyball. And I actually know someone who still needs to make that first bath of summer

Since I have no Picture to share at the moment, a Summer camp song
Last day of June today! Tomorrow it's Canada Day so most people have the day off. Me and Frida thought of going to the Niagara Falls, but changed our minds because of the huge amount of people that probably think the same way, so we'll just go there another day (when we're both off work). There's lots of other things happening tomorrow in the city, so we will most likely have a busy and fun day anyways.

Maddy left this morning for a month in Greece with her friend Shannon. They will have so much fun, but we'll definitely miss our "Canadian sister".

What else's new? Yesterday me and Frida had dinner with Saul, Bev, Courtney and Lucas. We had a very nice evening with homemade pasta ravioli with parmesan, ricotta cheese and tomato sauce. Sooo yummi!
Then we went back home to cook 1 kg of chicken on special sale (to keep in the freezer for harder times). Fun Saturday evening? Oh yes. We went out for a while too actually, but it wasn't that crowded on the east side because of the long weekend (most people go to their cottages up north) so we went to bed in pretty reasonable time.

Frida, Lauren, Maddy, jag, Robin, Amanda & Laura utanför O'Noir på Maddy's födelsedag (restaurangen där man äter i mörker)

Brunch med Frida & Louise

Red Velvet Cupcakes som efterrätt sista kvällen med Louise

På väg ut i Toronto-natten

En lördagkväll med Frida & Tim. Vi började med att se Billy Talent live för att sedan hyra en bil och köra runt i Toronto.

Fick en mycket trevlig överraskning häromdagen - senaste numret av Vasalöparen. Tack mamma och pappa!

Gick förbi det nyöppnade svenska caféet häromdagen. Fin midsommarstång va?

Lite midsommarkänsla blev det allt med blommiga klänningar och nybundna kransar i håret.

Jordgubbstårta - såklart!
En suddig midsommarnattsdröm.

You know the feeling when there's so much to say that you end up saying nothing instead? Well, I have that feeling right now. It's so much I wanna tell all of you. Just don't know where to start. Should post some pictures soon.

Hope you all had a great midsummer! We sure had. We gathered some people at our place and ate midsummer foods, drank snaps (almost real snaps) and had flowers in our hair. But we didn't really get that typical "midsummer feeling". No. I think it's because it gets dark so quickly in the evenings compared to Sweden. The long and light summer nights are something we definitely miss...

The weather is crazy right now, soooo humid. Feels like walking into a sauna when going out. It has been between 30-40 degrees for a while now. I like it though. Can be hard to sleep during the nights, but it's so much nicer than the typical Swedish summers.

Soon I'm on my way to a place called Bike Sauce to learn things about bikes.

See ya later!

Hi again.

So apperently I'm updating the blog two times today. Vad hande?!

As most of you already know, I like coffee. A lot. I drink it whenever, wherever and however. It didn't start so bad. Maybe a cup or so a few times a week. I liked it, but didn't have to have it. Just drank it cause I could and it tasted kind of good, you know. Maybe that's how most addictions starts. Well, somewhere along the way it got worse. A few times a week just wasn't enough. Everyday? For sure! One cup? No. I needed more. Much more...(dark and heavy music starts)

If I would blame someone in my life for projecting this addiction to coffee on me, it would without any doubt be my dear and beloved friend back in Sweden, Karolina. When we lived together in Gothenburg almost 2 years ago I slowely got into her coffee routines. And it sure didn't help that we (from being smart and poor) came over around 10-15 kg coffee from free coupones. And damn, we drank coffee! Gosh, I miss that coffee drinking girl.

I'm not gonna be too detailed about this (I already am), but what I wanted to say with this is that last week I went through 3, long, severe days WITHOUT coffee. Just felt I had to do it. Challange myself. Push it to the limit, you know. See how my body reacted, how it felt.The result? Well, I was tired and my head was aching. Felt better than I would expect though, but on the fourth day a friend gave me a coffee in my hand and that was it. So now I'm back and I'm on my second cup today. I'm gonna try to stick with 2 cups a day though and maybe once a week have a "clean" day. How much coffee do you drink a day?

So, I was supposed to write something about this past weekend and instead I keep on jabbering about my coffee drinking habits, which has nothing to do with anything and is without any importance AT ALL. But isn't that the nice thing about having a blog? You can write whatever, whenever and however. No one is forced to read it (I think?) It's just like drinking coffee. No one is forced to drink it (ok, now I have to stop writing, this makes no sense at all)


Hej på er!

Det känns som att sommaren dragit igång på allvar nu. Förutom allt regn så börjar temperaturen stabilisera sig kring 20-25 grader (vilket betyder att det KÄNNS som 30-35 grader med den höga humiditeten). Gött!

Nu sitter jag i köket hemma och dricker morgonkaffet innan jag ska cykla iväg till jobbet. Frida har de senaste veckorna börjat jobba tidigt (7.30), vilket gör att vi inte kan träna tillsammans lika mycket som förut, då vi alltid tränade på morgonen. Nu blir det istället kvällar och helger, precis som vilket gammalt gift par som helst. Jajamen.

I torsdags blev det grillning hos Matt med hela svenska ligan - Frida, Louise & jag + två av hans vänner. Tyvärr regnade det så head chefen fick stå med paraply vid grillen....en rolig syn. Vi hade en väldigt trevlig kväll och vi kan återigen konstatera att kanadensarna har svårt att uttala ord med minst två vokaler. På svenska alltså. Det blir liksom för mycket för dem.

Nu är det så där igen. Klockan är för mycket och jag måste hälla i mig resten av kaffet och springa ut till cykeln. Jag tänker varje gång att "nu har jag tid att skriva ett långt och bra inlägg", men tiden bara förvsinner. Damn. Fortsätter berätta om vad mer som hänt i ett annat inlägg.

Har kommit lite ur gängorna med bloggen....ber om ursäkt för det. 

Hur som helst, livet rullar på för fullt med allt vad det innebär och för er som inte vet det redan så är vår kära vän Louise här för tillfället! Hon kom förra torsdagen och ska stanna tills nästa onsdag. Hur kul som helst!! Kändes overkligt när vi mötte upp henne på flygplatsen för några dagar sedan. Hjärnan kopplade inte riktigt.
Vi har haft grymt roliga dagar tillsammans och fler ska det bli innan hon hinner lämna Kanada. I morgon blir det eventuellt lite BBQ om vädret tillåter, vi får se.  

Som jag sagt innan så har vi ingen bra fungerande kamera så jag tror inte jag har så mycket av värde att lägga upp för tillfället. Kan hända att det kommer bilder i efterhand från Louise kamera :)

Tack och hej leverpastej!


Don't have time to write, so I thought I'd just post some pictures from the last week. Once again I apologize for my bad camera....

Maddy's birthday cake.

Maddy and her friend Lauren in the back.

This is from a Swedish event we went to last Wednesday. It started with a fashion show where our friend Annaliis were one of the models! She was great!

Also from the event - a Swedish Jewellery designer.

Annaliis and Frida :)

Maddy, at the Swedish café.

Frida and I are enjoying a Friday smoothie after a long day.

Overkill picknick with Matt!
I can't believe it was 6 days since I wrote something here. What's up with the time? We have done lots of things. For instance, Frida, Maddy and I went to the new-opened swedish cafe last Friday in the afternoon. I'll post some pictures later. It was a very nice place and the staff were soo nice! None from Sweden, but one of the guys had been to Sthlm and Malmo for one year studying. He spoke some swedish was fun to hear. Sometimes my brain goes a bit crazy when I speak English and Swedish at the same time, especially if it's with the same person. So we kind of spoke 50 % swedish, 50 % english mixed in the sentences. Confusing... 

When we were about to leave the cafe, a Tallest Man On Earth song started playing. Wtf. Seriously, Canada is like Tallest man on earth - land or something. Have never met so many people listening to his music as here.

Oh, about the restaurant O.Noir at Maddy's birthday - what an evening! It was sooo weird eating in the dark. And it was completely dark - not even a little chance of seeing anything AT ALL. Most of us ate with our hands because it was easier than with cutlery. We spend like 2 hours in there so afterwards, for the first 10 minutes in the light, our eyes had to adjust for a while.
The food was amazing. Me and Frida had the same - Portobello mushroom with parmigiano in a salad as starter and roasted shrimps with a sundried tomato risotto as main course. Delicious. Then we went home and had the chocolate cake me and Frida made earlier the same day for Maddy. We had a great time and hopefully I'll post photos later of that as well.

About photos, my camera doesn't work at the moment and the same thing with the camera in Frida's Iphone. The only thing we rely on at the moment is my dear, very UNsmart phone. The camera is really bad, but it's the only thing that works.

I'll write more and post photos later. Hope everyone's well. My sister graduates from High School on Wednesday this week. Congratz to her!
