Wednesday afternoon


Hello everyone!

I just realized it's almost September. I can't believe that. Where did August go? It doesn't make any sense to me at all. However, the summer isn't over yet. Today's temperature is probably around 25-30 C and it's suppose to be like that for the next upcoming week. Sweet!

So what's happening here in Toronto? I have signed up for a gym - FINALLY! Came across a gym that's really close to where I live and it was suuuper cheap - $65 for THREE months. Wasn't a fancy place, just the basics - but that's kind of all I need. Free weights, some machines, treadmills and some space for stretching. Went there the first time yesterday morning and it felt great. It was the first time I did squats in a loooong time and holy smokes - my legs are killing me today. That's a wonderful feeling.

What else? Went to a concert a few days ago with Matt. It was a gypsy punk band from the U.S called Gogol Bordello. They were a bit crazy and had soo much energy on the stage, which made them a lot of fun to see. In the end of the concert a few gay guys beside us in the crowd starts dancing like crazy, flirting with Matt and throwing sparkles on him. So when I look at him he is completely covered in sparkles. It was a very funny sight, to say the least. Poor Matt. I'll leave it to that.

Yesterday I got a call from Frida at the store - what a surprise! She was at the airport in Halifax waiting for the flight to Sweden. Was great to hear her voice and to talk about the last week. She had had a wonderful time out east with Annaliis, exploring the nature. Can't wait to see photos from over there! She landed safely in Sweden and I just got a message from her saying "trying to understand why it's so different and weird walking along the streets - then I realize I'm in Sweden". So similar, but yet so different. I mean the pavement is black in Sweden, isn't it, Frida? Haha. 

This Friday, Kasia and Lucas flies to The Galapagos Islands - crazy!! They'll be away for a few weeks and I hope they'll have a wonderful time. Meanwhile, I'll work some extra shifts at Velotique, which is good. Tonight I'm meeting up with Kasia downtown after work to have dinner and catch up before she leaves for her trip :)


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