Canada Day tmwr


Last day of June today! Tomorrow it's Canada Day so most people have the day off. Me and Frida thought of going to the Niagara Falls, but changed our minds because of the huge amount of people that probably think the same way, so we'll just go there another day (when we're both off work). There's lots of other things happening tomorrow in the city, so we will most likely have a busy and fun day anyways.

Maddy left this morning for a month in Greece with her friend Shannon. They will have so much fun, but we'll definitely miss our "Canadian sister".

What else's new? Yesterday me and Frida had dinner with Saul, Bev, Courtney and Lucas. We had a very nice evening with homemade pasta ravioli with parmesan, ricotta cheese and tomato sauce. Sooo yummi!
Then we went back home to cook 1 kg of chicken on special sale (to keep in the freezer for harder times). Fun Saturday evening? Oh yes. We went out for a while too actually, but it wasn't that crowded on the east side because of the long weekend (most people go to their cottages up north) so we went to bed in pretty reasonable time.


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