Bad updates


Sorry for not updating in a while. The days pass so fast! I'll try to make a very brief summary - work and training. It's about it. We have started to rollerski again which feels a bit strange since we did real cross country skiing only a couple of weeks ago back in Sweden. We're exploring the area and there's some good rounds for both distance and intervals. Also, we're thinking of signing up for a gym. I told you before about two possible gyms, Good Life Fitness and System Fitness. A friend knew about another gym where we don't have to sign up for more than one month ahead, which suits me and Frida much better.

Oh btw, we now have one bed each in our room and no longer have to share! Still in the same room of course, but it kind of feels like we're two seperate humans now - we're making progress!

Frida just biked to work and I have a few minutes left before I also have to go. I think we're cooking something tonight! Probably broccoli soup. Some of you already know that we haven't been especially active in the kitchen since we came here....our food has been pretty simple, but good. Avocado, eggs, broccoli, spinach, nuts, cale and tuna has been our main nurture when eating by ourselfs. So making a soup is pretty ambitious for us at the moment.

Got to go now, have a nice day!

And the picture is of Frida working with some catering at Annas Bakeshop. Sweeeeet!



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