

10 days since last time...

What's happend since? I'll do a quick summary.
Except from working and training I've met some new Swedes which is great. One of them had been here for almost a year and had kind of the same story as me + her friend she came to Toronto with just went back home to Sweden too.
I also met a few other Swedes the day after - all girls in my own age. We went out for dinner and talked Swedish the whole evening, I haven't really had so much contact with other swedes here before, but suddenly I've met so many!

My friend Annaliis from Estonia have been here in Canada for 2 years and this past weekend she went back to Estonia... She has to apply for a perment resident visa if she is gonna be able to stay here in Canada and that is a HUGE process that takes a lot of time and money, so she had to go back to Estonia. She's gonna try to apply from Estonia, so hopefully she'll be back here again soon, but it's so sad she's gone. We had a really nice "Goodbye-dinner" or "see you later-dinner" this past Saturday. Kadi, Julie, Annaliis and me went to a Indian Bistro called "Cinnamon" here in the beach and had a delicious meal. Later we went to a friends party and read horoscopes the rest of the evening.....haha.


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