Crispy air


Good evening,

I'm laying in my bed under my sheet with a cup of hot chocolate - mhmmmm. Just got back from a late run. It was really hard to get out there today, but now it is done and I don't have to think about it anymore. It was hard to get started today because I have been so cold the whole day so when I got home this evening I just wanted to crawl underneath my sheet and stay there the whole evening. However, after an hour under my sheet I finally pulled myself together and did some good.

I have wanted to get a new pair of running shoes for a while and I've been thinking to get barefoot running shoes. With shoes like that you don't really put any weight on your heel, which actually suits me perfect at the moment since my heel still isn't fully recovered. Tommy at my work has talked a lot about barefoot running shoes too, so a few days ago I went to MEC and checked if they had anything on sale. I found a nice pair, in my size for half the price! Yey! So this evening I tried them for the first time and it felt great. I think I ran a little too far though for being the first time in barefoot shoes cause now my legs are kind of hurting in weird places. Oh well, I'll see tomorrow how they feel.


Just before me and Rob closed the store today, Annaliis and Kadi came by to say hi. It's always nice when friends come by your work :) After we closed, we walked to Queen & Woodbine to grab some middle eastern food - falafel, hummus, cabbage rolls and some different salads were on the menu. Delicious.

It's getting really cold here, like 7-10 degrees. Talked to some friends from back home today and apparently it already minus at home. Crazy! 

Now it's time to sleep so I can get up in the morning and work out. Fingers crossed my legs are almost recovered.



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