A cool breeze
Hi there, sorry for not writing in a while. Don't have an excuse.
The weather is changing here in Toronto. It has been a few days in a row where the temperature has gone down pretty low. This morning I believe it was just a few degrees - suddenly the air feels so pure, clean and fresh. The humidity has kind of disappeared.
I've had such a nice feeling inside of me the last week or so. I've felt like I'm at home. Every time I go outside and breath the air I feel like I'm back in Orsa or Mora, running at the tracks with my friends at Prastholmens IP.
I think of all those chilly evenings we have spent out there together exercising until it gets too dark and we barely can see each other. I think of how much we always laugh, about all the silly things we chat about and that we always discuss why we don't get to have the spotlights turned on over the whole stadium (when the football players apparently can). I think of when it gets too cold and we have to move into the, oh so well-known "running corridor" at S:t Mikaelsskolan. I think of how the first words from everyones mouth as we enter the "running-corridor" always is "omg I can't breath in here, it's no ventilation at all."
But that time, just before we had to move our training indoors, was amazing. I loved it. Just loved it. The fresh air, the dark evenings....it's something about it. I love to train with a base layer, a buff, my headband, my IFK Mora jacket and tights. Nothing takes that. It's cold enough to make you wanna keep up a good pace and there's no heat to make you exhausted - it's just perfect.
Saknar alla er friidrottare. Hoppas ni tranar pa ute pa Prastis i era tights och understall <3
The weather is changing here in Toronto. It has been a few days in a row where the temperature has gone down pretty low. This morning I believe it was just a few degrees - suddenly the air feels so pure, clean and fresh. The humidity has kind of disappeared.
I've had such a nice feeling inside of me the last week or so. I've felt like I'm at home. Every time I go outside and breath the air I feel like I'm back in Orsa or Mora, running at the tracks with my friends at Prastholmens IP.
I think of all those chilly evenings we have spent out there together exercising until it gets too dark and we barely can see each other. I think of how much we always laugh, about all the silly things we chat about and that we always discuss why we don't get to have the spotlights turned on over the whole stadium (when the football players apparently can). I think of when it gets too cold and we have to move into the, oh so well-known "running corridor" at S:t Mikaelsskolan. I think of how the first words from everyones mouth as we enter the "running-corridor" always is "omg I can't breath in here, it's no ventilation at all."
But that time, just before we had to move our training indoors, was amazing. I loved it. Just loved it. The fresh air, the dark evenings....it's something about it. I love to train with a base layer, a buff, my headband, my IFK Mora jacket and tights. Nothing takes that. It's cold enough to make you wanna keep up a good pace and there's no heat to make you exhausted - it's just perfect.
Saknar alla er friidrottare. Hoppas ni tranar pa ute pa Prastis i era tights och understall <3
1 kommentarer
29 Sep 2013 17:30
Måste bara säga att jag log genom hela detta inlägget! :)