Friday the 13th
Everyone, be careful out there today cause it's Friday the 13th! Jeeeez. Haven't got hit by any cars so far, but the day isn't over yet. Gonna try to keep a low profile and NOT take any stupied chances...
The last few weeks have been a bit up and down. One of the reasons i've felt a bit down is because I haven't been able to exercise a lot cause of the bike accident. Exercising is for sure a big part of my life and even if I'm not always motivated it is something I need to do for myself to feel good. Even though it has only been 2 weeks it's still affecting my mood in a negative way. However, I have been to the gym a few times to exercise my upper body, but I haven't been able to do anything for my legs. My foot is still not good. I wonder when I'll be able to run again...
This morning I worked my first few hours at the Swedish Bakeshop. It was fun! We made some quiches, soups and sweets. I worked with Anna who owns the Bakeshop and also is Swedish, so I got to speak some Swedish - haven't done that for a while. I'll start work there sometimes during the weekends and when they need extra help.
I feel more and more comfortable with my English nowadays and I feel that I can express myself the way I want to more often, but it's still so nice to be able to speak Swedish from time to time - as today with Anna at the Bakeshop. It's not only the actual languages that are different, it's the way Canadians vs Swedish (and most likely all scandinavian) people speak. For instance how we emphasize certain words and there's so many expressions that arn't even possible to translate. Also, in Sweden, we're not as loud, expressive and convincing as I find Canadians (North americans) are when they talk. I know I'm generalizing, but there's definitily a diffrence. Most people I've met almost over-articulate when they speak - or to me it sounds like that anyways. It's a lot of differences in the way we communicate and I find it quite interesting.
About something else....I'm at the end of season 4 on LOST right now. It's sooo good. Whenever I have some time over I watch it. Don't judge me, I simply can't help it.
Everyone, be careful out there today cause it's Friday the 13th! Jeeeez. Haven't got hit by any cars so far, but the day isn't over yet. Gonna try to keep a low profile and NOT take any stupied chances...
The last few weeks have been a bit up and down. One of the reasons i've felt a bit down is because I haven't been able to exercise a lot cause of the bike accident. Exercising is for sure a big part of my life and even if I'm not always motivated it is something I need to do for myself to feel good. Even though it has only been 2 weeks it's still affecting my mood in a negative way. However, I have been to the gym a few times to exercise my upper body, but I haven't been able to do anything for my legs. My foot is still not good. I wonder when I'll be able to run again...
This morning I worked my first few hours at the Swedish Bakeshop. It was fun! We made some quiches, soups and sweets. I worked with Anna who owns the Bakeshop and also is Swedish, so I got to speak some Swedish - haven't done that for a while. I'll start work there sometimes during the weekends and when they need extra help.
I feel more and more comfortable with my English nowadays and I feel that I can express myself the way I want to more often, but it's still so nice to be able to speak Swedish from time to time - as today with Anna at the Bakeshop. It's not only the actual languages that are different, it's the way Canadians vs Swedish (and most likely all scandinavian) people speak. For instance how we emphasize certain words and there's so many expressions that arn't even possible to translate. Also, in Sweden, we're not as loud, expressive and convincing as I find Canadians (North americans) are when they talk. I know I'm generalizing, but there's definitily a diffrence. Most people I've met almost over-articulate when they speak - or to me it sounds like that anyways. It's a lot of differences in the way we communicate and I find it quite interesting.
About something else....I'm at the end of season 4 on LOST right now. It's sooo good. Whenever I have some time over I watch it. Don't judge me, I simply can't help it.

Bev took a photo of me at work the other day to send to my parents so they could see that I was recovering from the bike accident. Please don't laugh - I don't usually walk around in the store dusting furniture - PROMISE.