Hardwood Hills



Hanging out at home with Maddy and her little cousin Ellie from Australia while watching some tv. Came back from Hardwood Hills about an hour ago so I'm kinda tired. I took it really easy and didn't ski either fast or far cause I still don't feel really well. I'll see tmrw morning if it was a stupied decision or not to go skiing.

It was snowing a bit up there, but except from that it was great conditions - just a few minus and no wind. A few layers of V40 mixed with some V45 was enough to get grip.

Soon I'm going out to run some errands here in the beach, bur first I have to save up some energy and finish my coffee....:)

Posting a mix of some photos from the last little while.

The delicious fish soup with saffron that I thought made me sick

The North pole.....or The Beaches, Toronto?

Shrimp wook
Joel, standing waiting for the subway to take him to JFK Airport in New York and back to Sweden. This is just before we said goodbye and went seperate ways.


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