I just read in "The Grid" that a new cafe, inspired by Sweden, is about to open in Kensington Market here in Toronto.

This is from their website:

"FIKA Definition: Originally used as a Swedish verb meaning “to go out for coffee,” the word fika can also be used as a noun (“coffee break”). It is standard in Sweden to invite friends to fika every few hours during the work day. One’s coffee is normally accompanied with a small snack such as a sweet bread, cinnamon roll, or piece of cake.

Pronunciation: FEE-ka
Examples: Let’s go fika at the new café FIKA in Kensington Market!"


HAHA! Yes, we totally have coffee breaks all the time during work days....or do we? Really, it depends on the job. However, is this why everyone we meet in Toronto thinks swedes barely work? What's up with 6 hour work days? We work just as much as you, Canadians, AND - you guys drink coffee during work too. Just to make things clear.

If you think I'm weird, writing sometimes in swedish, sometimes in english, it depends on how much time I have and where I'm writing from. Now for instance, it's super slow at the store so I'm blogging from the work computer, which means no special swedish alfabetic letters - so I'm writing in english. If I'm in a rush and I have access to my own computer it's so much faster to write in swedish. Important information? NO. Do you even care? Probably not. Why am I having a conversation with myself? ....eeh.

About tonight, as I told you before, Maddy is turning 16 today so we're going out for dinner at a very special restaurant called O.Noir. It's really crazy. The whole restaurant is completely dark - no lights AT ALL. We'll be accompanied to the table by the blind staff (because we wont see anything) and we'll eat our food together, seeing nothing at all. Also, it's possible to chose their "surprise menu". Haha, not sure if I will, but I'm sure that would be a fun thing to do. I'll let you know tomorrow how it was!

This is their website. They have a restaurant in Montreal too and I have a friend who has been there. He actually went there on a date. Literally a blind date....haha.

Hej hallå

Mycket har hänt sedan sist. Vi har varit på Maddys dansuppvisning, ätit mumsig grekisk tapasmiddag, träffat vår förra roommate Larry (som tog oss ut på Lake Ontario i hans partybåt) och varit på boksignering med Khaled Hosseini (författaren till bl a Flyga drake & Tusen strålande solar). 

Jag och Frida cyklade till boksigneringen uppe på Bay & Bloor efter att vi slutat våra jobb igår kväll. Khaled Hosseini, vilken man. Älskar hans böcker och sätt att berätta sina otroliga historier på. Han har precis släppt en ny bok "And the mountains echoed" som jag precis börjat läsa. Det var riktigt häftigt att få möta honom och få boken signerad.

Sorry, men nu är jag snart sen till jobbet IGEN så hinner inte skriva nåt mer. Kan säga snabbt iaf att den hör morgonen har jag och Frida bakat en tårta till Maddy som fyller 16 idag. Sweet 16! :) Ikväll ska vi allihopa (Laura, Maddy, Frida och jag) äta middag på ett minst sagt annorlunda ställe. Berättar mer sen, men jag kan säga såhär....Man äter i totalt mörker & hela personalen är blind....sant!


Had the day off from Velotique, so I worked as a gardener today for Laura. It was fun! Had this song in my head most part of the day...hehe.

The Tallest Man On Earth – The Gardener

Frida's working late today and I'm just on my way out. We'll update more later....or something.

A couple of days ago at Queen Street West. Wrrooong Bar

....could be hard to pronounce fast even if you're Swedish - which means it's HILARIOUS to hear Canadians try it.
Sorry, but this morning didn't start very well. I broke one of my poles rollerskiing this morning. DAMN IT! I didn't even get stuck in anything like last time I broke a pole....I really don't have money to spend on things like this at the moment, but I have to have poles - otherwise I can't ski. FUCK. I guess what I have to do is to buy very basic poles (not 100 % carbon this time). I don't care if they are heavy and made from aluminum, as long as they don't break.

Hopefully all of you're having a better day so far!



Yesterday it was Victoria Day (the birthday of queen Victoria) so both me and Frida had the day off. We had a super nice chill day starting with some kind of brunch with some friends. We made swedish pancakes with cinnamon, cashewbutter and fruit to it. The rest of the day we walked around the beach, did some grocery shopping, some laundry and later in the evening we watched fireworks from the beach (because of the Victoria Day celebration). We went with Maddy and our neighbours. Have never seen fireworks like that. Completely amazing! Apperently it costs around 3 million dollars in total (15 min). Totally crazy much money, but we're very happy to have seen it. I think Frida may have a picture of it...

Sweden just won against Finland in the semifinals! We're playing the final! Take that Canada!!

When it comes to sports my heart beats a little (not just a little) extra for track & field athletes, cross country skiers and biathlon skiers. Hockey has never been one of those sports, even though I do enjoy watch it. But I guess beeing on the other side of the world makes you feel more patriotic than normally. Frida started work earlier than me today so she missed the game, which was too bad since she's more into hockey than I am. Well, hopefully we can see the final together!

Also, it's the Eurovision song contest today we've heard. Same thing. Would normally not care that much about it, but being here in Canada makes me wanna paint my face blue & yellow and sing the national anthem. Well, almost. It's too bad we wont be able to watch it though. Maybe a couple of minutes of the end if we hurry back from work.

Yesterday me and Frida did go to the "Moo Milk Bar". Wonderful. We picked a cookie and a milk each. Felt like a little child! In the evening we went rollerskiing for almost 2 hours. It was so nice outside!

Now I'm late for work, see ya later!

God morgon!

Började gårdagen med en löprunda och frukost i solen för att sedan ta en runda längs Queen Street for att kolla in lite affärer. Behöver ett par solglasögon och ballerinaskor, men är osäker på hur mycket jag ska spendera på det. Skulle kunna få det väldigt billigt, men samtidigt kanske det är bättre att lägga lite mer pengar och få bra grejer. I alla fall när det gäller solglasögon, för ballerinaskorna lär jag förmodligen nöta ut fort ändå med mina knäppa fötter! Jag hittade bra, men rätt dyra brillor. Måste fundera mer innan jag köper. Finns lite saker som är mer viktiga att lägga pengar på för tillfället...t ex mat, hyra & gym, hehe.

Tog med lunchen ned till beachen för att äta den där. Dålig idé. I alla fall om det då och då kommer vindar från helvetet och blåser upp massvis med sand över maten. Det blev en knastrig lunch vill jag lova. Inte äcklig, men...knastrig helt enkelt. Förutom vindarna så var det helt otroligt fint och soligt. Jag tänkte för mig själv flera gånger att "shit, det här är ju som att vara utomlands!". Haha, no shit? Lite så är känslan, att man är hemma. Ibland är den känslan starkare och ibland är den som bortblåst. Livet är en berg-och-dalbana. Upp och ned.

Häromdagen pratade jag i sömnen fick jag veta. Jag har en omfattande historia av "prata-i-sömnen-stunder" genom mina år som existerande människa. Ska inte ta upp något här, men jag har gjort en hel del knäppa grejer. Så, när jag fick veta häromdagen att jag pratat i sömnen stelnade jag genast till, andades in och försökte låta så obesvärad som möjligt när jag frågade vad jag hade gjort/sagt. Helt oväntat fick jag en positiv överraskning av svaret. Jag hade sagt en del knäppa grejer, men jag hade sagt det på engelska! Ett framsteg med språkkunskaperna!

Nej, gud vad jag svamlar på om helt ointressanta grejer. Det jag skulle säga var ju att det var en solig och fin dag igår helt enkelt. Så, då vet ni det. Det ska bli lika fint idag så det blir nog mer beach-häng. Frida slutar vid 14 idag så efter det ska vi ta en fredagsfika någonstans. Det lutar åt att det blir på en mjölkbar, haha. Vi har gått förbi stället många gånger, men aldrig prövat det. De serverar mjölk i massa olika former & smaker tillsammans med en kaka. Så man dricker sin speciellt utvalda mjölk tillsammans med en cookie. Haha, så sjukt roligt. Såna ställen saknar man med Sverige. Ställen där de fokuserar på en grej och gör det jävligt bra. Finns t ex ett ställe här där de bara serverar bacon, fast på typ 100 olika sätt. Ett annat ställe fokuserar på kyckling och donuts. Riktigt konstigt faktiskt, men kul med folk som har udda idéer och bara kör.

Hörde förresten att Sverige vann mot Kanada, wieheee! Grymt kul! Hörde också att det avgjordes av en riktigt bra straff eller nåt. Borde kolla upp det där lite mer så att man låter lite kunnig när man ska reta kanadensarna.

However, skulle kunna pladdra på här i all evighet, men är nog dags att göra lite nytta. Hoppas allt är bra med alla.

Kram på er!


Skriver lite snabbt på svenska denna gång. Det händer mycket roliga grejer och jag är ledsen att vi uppdaterar lite dåligt för tillfället. Lovar att det blir ett bra inlägg i morgon (har mer tid då).

Kvällen har varit väldigt avkopplande, Har inte satt på datorn eller kollat mobilen förrän nu i princip. Skönt att bara koppla av och umgås. Har ni smakat roasted seaweed förresten? Köpte lite förra veckan på hälsoaffären runt hörnet. Riktigt gott faktiskt. Bladen är tunna som satan, tror ett paket innehåller typ 20 g eller nåt. Trodde först att jag blivit lurad - hallå, paketet är tomt ju!

Förresten, min bror mailade under dagen och berättade att han ska hoppa fallskärm med en kompis på lördag! Så avundsjuk!! Fasen vad roligt. Hoppas bara att allt går som det ska.

Nej, nu är det färdiglekt. Dags att sova några timmar så man orkar upp för att rullskida längs beachen i morgon bitti. Hoppas allt är gott med er var ni än må befinna er på jordklotet. Både jag och Frida har en fin känsla i kroppen för tillfället. Solen skiner på oss idag och det är okej att njuta av den känslan. God natt på er.


Here's some pictures from Friday evening, starting with a very green dinner, Unfortunately, I just have blurry pictures from the show. However, Rebecca & Fiona were sooo good! Just before the show started we met them in the bathroom and took a picture with them and spoke some Swedish :) They started play no earlier than 1.30 am and finished maybe around 3 am. It was a great night, we had so much fun!
NEJ TACK. Jag ska inget ha. Allt är grönt. Allt. Vi menar allt. Orgeln spelar SHM och Toronto leder med ett mål mot Boston. Toronto VANN. OMG det blir hockey på Sunday for sure. THE EEEEND.

Hallå eller!

Today the weather isn't as good as on the first picture. It's raining from time to time, but I hope it'll stop until tonight. So what happens tonight? Rebecca & Fiona. Yep. No need for further explanation. We're pretty excited! Also, there's some people from Frida's work playing at another place an hour before. We'll try to manage to see them both. Would be great.

Yesterday I borrowed some Classic rollerskis from Saul. These guys - http://www.jenex.com/products/roller-skis/item/xl9848 
What a diffrence from my skate rollerskis! So much heavier, but much more stable and solid. Maybe I'll post some pictures later on, or even a video. Have so many things I wanna post, but it takes so much time to actually do it.

I'm off work today so I'm doing some laundry & grocery shopping. Going out for a run shortly and later I'm meeting up with Frida to fix some stuff.

What is everyone up to this weekend? Don't be afraid to comment, dialouges are more fun than one way communications :)

Sorry for not updating in a while. The days pass so fast! I'll try to make a very brief summary - work and training. It's about it. We have started to rollerski again which feels a bit strange since we did real cross country skiing only a couple of weeks ago back in Sweden. We're exploring the area and there's some good rounds for both distance and intervals. Also, we're thinking of signing up for a gym. I told you before about two possible gyms, Good Life Fitness and System Fitness. A friend knew about another gym where we don't have to sign up for more than one month ahead, which suits me and Frida much better.

Oh btw, we now have one bed each in our room and no longer have to share! Still in the same room of course, but it kind of feels like we're two seperate humans now - we're making progress!

Frida just biked to work and I have a few minutes left before I also have to go. I think we're cooking something tonight! Probably broccoli soup. Some of you already know that we haven't been especially active in the kitchen since we came here....our food has been pretty simple, but good. Avocado, eggs, broccoli, spinach, nuts, cale and tuna has been our main nurture when eating by ourselfs. So making a soup is pretty ambitious for us at the moment.

Got to go now, have a nice day!

And the picture is of Frida working with some catering at Annas Bakeshop. Sweeeeet!


Torontonians, come on in and buy rollerskis and bike stuff from us!

Hi there!

Yesterday was great. Both Frida and I worked from around noon to 5-6 pm, she at Annas Swedish Bakeshop and I at Velotique. It was super busy at the store so the time passed by really fast. After dinner we walked to Kasia's place and hanged out there the rest of the evening. Have so many funny (bad) pictures....don't think I should share them though, haha.

After work today me and Frida went rollerskiing along the beach and around Leslie Spit. It got dark faster than expected, but still people everywhere walking around and chilling along the beach.

Squirrels everywhere!

A few days ago at the beach.
A few days ago on Erik's last day in Toronto.

Guess who's coming to Toronto next Friday?! REBECCA & FIONA!! YEEEEES! Still can't really get it. For those of you who don't know about them, they are a Swedish house duet. A really good one.

This evening Laura is having some of her friends over for dinner (I think indian food), so me and Frida will join them. It's been such a beautiful day today. Went for a run in the afternoon in only shorts and t-shirt - first time this year. And hey, I went on a motorcycle yesterday, first time EVER! It was so much fun.

Frida worked today and came home around 4 pm. She biked from her work downtown all the way to the beach even though she's having a cold.

Now we're gonna help preparing the dinner. Have a nice evening!

Matt's superfood - green smoothies (and coffee with almond milk).

Passed by Kasia earlier today.

Just got this picture from Saul. It's at Velotique a couple of days ago.

Erik left Toronto yesterday, but we hope he'll come back soon!
Here's some pictures from Monday evening. I forgot to take pictures of the food we made...I'm so bad at this! However, we made swedish meatballs, a vegetarian quiche with a greek touch and beetroots with chévre and spinach. It was good and we had such a nice time together. It's so much fun to mix people from different places in the world. There's so much to talk about.
For desert we had some cake that Laura & Maddy made the day before to a birthday party. It was huge. Double layers, bananas and peanut butter frosting. Delicious!

Worked from 11-7, pretty slow day. The weather was amazing, suddenly it's like summer. Vad hände? (som Greven skulle sagt, ursäkta internskämtet, på svenska dessutom, ajaj) Kind of hard to stay inside, but tomorrow I have the day off so I will definitely hang at the beach.

Frida's staying downtown at the moment with her brother until he leaves (tomorrow). I heard she woke up sick today :( Hopefully she feel better soon!

Laura & Erik
Erik, Frida & Maddy


Frida & Erik came by Velotique this afternoon so we had lunch at Voulez-vous on my break. We sat outside cause the weather was fantastic. Probably around 20 degrees. Had a tasty turkey sandwich with dijon mustard. LOVE dijon, but holy crap, that was even a bit too much for me. I was literally crying. 

Later Frida kept on showing Erik around in the beaches and I went back to work. Actually I was waxing some skis today - haven't done that for a while! It's fun though, I feel comfortable with it. Overall the day passed by pretty fast with lots of things to do. Tomorrow it's Eriks last night here in Canada so we'll probably do something in the evening with some friends. Anyone heard of Fireball? Apparently these two lovely swedes have!